Global Mystery Shopping overview

Enhance your customer experience with Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping means that an anonymous person is instructed and acts as a customer
to then report experiences in a detailed and objective way.

We measure and evaluate brands and customer service from a customer perspective. Mystery shopping means that an anonymous person is instructed to act according to a scenario and then objectively report their experiences. In this way you receive information about how you fulfill your brand promise and what efforts are needed to achieve customer satisfaction, sales goals and ensure good customer experiences.

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Purpose with Mystery shopping

The purpose of Mystery shopping is to identify areas within the concept and customer experience that have the potential to improve, increase your sales, get more satisfied customers and motivated employees. We quality assure all reports to ensure the value of the measurements so that you will have a powerful tool for your development.

What can you measure?

Mystery shopping can be adapted to all industries and thanks to our 25 years of experience, we can create the programs completely based on your goals and concepts. Our digital tool provides insightful reports so that you can easily identify the gaps in the customer experience and feel secure that working on the gaps will benefit your service and sales.

mystery shopper using silver laptop
mystery shopping visit performed at car dealer

Why measure with Mystery shopping?

Mystery shopping is the method that can really, in an objective way, measure customer experience and additional sales, as well as how the brand is experienced from a customer perspective. Through continuous measurements and active improvement work, the difference between reality and goals (“the gap”) is reduced and compliance with the brand promise is ensured.

The process to begin


Together, we map your unique customer journey and get a clear picture of what the company’s concept and customer service should look like in order to succeed in fulfilling the company’s brand promise. We determine purpose, goals and your measurement points.


We adapt and set up your digital platform and perform a baseline measurement to see your starting position. During a kick-off, all concerned employees are introduced to the platform, the questions and areas we will measure and we present the results from the baseline measurement and the gap between the output and your goals.


We do quality checks on each individual report to ensure that all visits and evaluations are correctly performed and verified. When the program is running, all authorized persons will get access to the reports they need in their work, via our digital platform, so they can work with continuous improvements.


A live program becomes valuable by continuously adjusting based on the current situation and the desired situation. The measurements will be a tool for following the concept, customer service and how you take care about opportunities for add-on sales.